Top 3 Reasons Online Businesses Fail So Often

Businesses fail all the time, in fact, more businesses fail than succeed in a year. An interesting thing is, most of these failed businesses had the potential and could have survived their first year, ultimately becoming a success story. If only the owner had prepared and planned well beforehand and had worked on the common…


How SEO is Giving a Boost to Business in Malaysia?

You got your business website up and running! Great! Congratulations! The design is great, it is connected with your social media platforms, and everything is responding, now what?   It feels like opening your store at the far end of a city and not knowing how to attract customers.   To be found by your…

Search Engine Optimization vs Pay Per Click for E-commerce3

Traffic is a lifeline for any e-commerce business. The more traffic an online business will receive, the more likely it is to make sales, but many businesses are competing for the attention, time and money of your potential customers. E-Commerce As more and more businesses are trying to move out of motor and brick stores…


Digital Marketing – Stay Home and Increase Your Online Reach

Covid-19 and Social Distancing getting in your way? Reach your customers through Digital Marketing The Covid-19 pandemic is striking fear in the world, crippling businesses and eating out the bank accounts. Assets are devaluing and shares are losing money fast. With the spiking number of cases, restriction on movement within the city, and employees and…